Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hacker Guide

Hacker Guide

Hacker Hierarchy

script kiddie – an insulting term used to describe a juvenile teen who pretends to be an elite hacker.

Intermediate Hackers – people with knowledge of computers, networks and programming to understand what a script might do by looking at it.

Professional Hackers – People that can write an exploit for a piece of software or their own tools. They can break into a system and hide their tracks.

Hacker Programming

You might be asking yourself, “Do I really need to learn programming to be a hacker?” and the answer isn’t a clear yes or no. It depends on what you want to do. Learning backtrack and metasploit will help you become a “point and click hacker”.  However, you can become a good ethical hacker without knowing any programming.

Programming will make you a better hacker in the sense that you will be able to code your own exploits. Some blank hat hackers use their own custom tools to hack rather than using tools that are free to download on the net. Learning to program will let you understand how they do it.

Where should I start programming?

This question has been asked more times than I can count and for good reason. There is no right answer. Some recommend python as a first language because it is relatively easy to learn. Others say start with the C language. C is a powerful multipurpose language that can be used to create just able any program you can think of. I can not say for sure where you should start, but I will recommend python if you have no experience at all, and C is you know some programming or you have tons of confidence.

  • Find a beginner book and be sure to read the reviews.
  • Read and do all the practice problems in the book.
  • Join a programming community and ask questions. Don’t be afraid because there are people who will gladly help.
  • Never stop learning, reading, and practicing!

Learn Linux

Linux is a free, open-source operating system and is used all over the world. Millions of servers use linux to host a variety of web services. One version of linux is backtrack. It is a distribution of linux that is full of tools used to hack a system or network. This site is dedicated to learning the tools of backtrack. I have a page on installing it Here Here or Here

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